This time, none of the cats are involved in the adventures about to be described. Though I would like to mention that our youngest, the one who found the possum, was very cute watching DNC speeches with us; he seemed to particularly like Michelle Obama.
Anyway, I was going to post about our adventures replacing the shed door a couple weeks ago. A previous owner had used an interior door, and it scraped on the concrete floor enough so that the door wouldn't really open and it was quite damaged. Also, the door knob and lock didn't really work, as they were loose and falling out.
But, since we replaced the door with an exterior door like it should have had in the first place, we've had a bit more excitement. Monday night, the night before Mark started teaching his first class and I had a meeting regarding my research assistantship and all the work I'll be doing for that, the power went out for part of our neighborhood.
We heard it before it happened, and therefore both knew what was about to happen. See, the transformer is in the back corner of our yard, so when we have a power outage, depending on how/why it goes out we might hear it, and this was one of those times.
It turned out that a neighbor's tree had fallen on the transformer, which the power company figured out a little before midnight, meaning it was going to take longer than they'd originally estimated to bring power back to the neighborhood. It also meant that they had to bring chainsaws to cut down the tree (and apparently some that it took with it) to get the transformer free and do the necessary work -- which means that we were woken up at 1 or 2 or so by the sound of chainsaws in our back yard. And muttering. Somehow I missed the part where one of them audibly said something along the lines of "It's going to look like a tornado went through here." (Mark heard that one, and it didn't help him get back to sleep any easier.)
We got power back sometime in the early morning while I was asleep, and woke up in time to get me to my meeting. (Mark's class is in the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so there was no problem there, and his full-time job is pretty flexible on the hours as long as he's there for meetings and puts in the time.)